Refund policy

Hey, we understand that it can be difficult to believe in a product that seems too wonderful to be true. We are pleased to provide our 30-day money-back guarantee for this reason. How to get a refund:

  1. Your “30 Day Money-Back Guarantee” can be claimed by emailing a customer service agent at with your name, email address, and the subject “30 Day Money-Back Guarantee” after the day your product is delivered.
  2. To return a product for a refund, replacement, or repair while the product is still under warranty, you must first obtain a return merchandise authorization, also known as a return authorization, return authorization, or return goods authorization (RGA).
  3. Email a customer service agent through the same email thread with your review and a request for a refund if you’re not entirely satisfied with the performance.
  4. Once authorized, return the item to the address given by our customer care agent within 30 days of the delivery date via a trackable mail service.
  5. Claims that are not comprehensive, unclear, or illegible will be declared invalid. The claimant is entirely responsible for the actual shipping charges associated with sending and returning the merchandise, and these costs will not be reimbursed.
  6. Within 30 days of the day you received the merchandise, you will receive your refund if it is returned.
  7. Our return address is 300 Delaware Avenue, STE 210-A, DE 19801, USA